‘your work and way of life is very inspiring…thank you for teaching us so many important things….I’m gonna make my way of life more environmentally friendly’ Nicole, Germany, Pacific Discovery, March 2020
‘Thank you for teaching us so much about permaculture…it was an eye opening experience and fulfilling in ways too hard to describe in words’ Nicholas USA, Pacific Discovery, March 2020
‘A great big thank you…what you have accomplished here is truly amazing and inspiring’ Jack, visitor, March 2020
‘Planting trees by the river…was so much fun and I now value both working in dirt and dreamwork much more. Hearing all the stories from the days of fire was also a haunting yet amazing opportunity to hear about such perserverence and generousity firsthand. ‘ Willie, Canada, Pacific Discovery March 2020
‘Helping around the Crossing to make it better for the future was so rewarding to see the end result…being able to see the damage the fires caused (from visits to crossing friends) and hearing their stories first hand was an experience I will never forget. From the moment I stepped on to the Crossing I felt at peace, home and as if I belonged here. I have learned so much and will never forget this place.’ Ethan USA Pacific Discovery, March 2020
‘After spending so much time being so pessimistic about our future, it was truly heartwarming to see a place and a group of people that brought me so much hope….the opportunities you gave us to help out people like John and Sandra is something that will stick with us for the rest of our lives.’ Drew, USA, Pacific Discovery, February 2020
‘Dear staff at the Crossing, thank you so much for the adventure of a lifetime. It was so much fun. We will come back next year.’ from Brindie, Ella and Brontee, Bermagui Public School final year, November 2019
‘Thank you for giving up your time to show us this wonderful place. We have learnt so much these past three days…we are going to miss the connection and enthusiasm of all of you as well as the camp, we are alls so greatful for this hike an camp adventure and very keen to come again’ Saphire Coast Anglican College Year 9 students on Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Practice Hike, November 2019
‘The Crossing is a pocket world seperate from the worries and concerns of any other. It’s a world where obsessions with social media, video games and oneself are replaced with hard work, introspection, healing and love…This landscape and the promises it upholds are incredible examples of the ingenuity and creativity that can come from human beings working in harmony towards a common goal.’ Beck, USA, Pacific Discovery, October 2019
‘The Crossing has been one of the best and most educational parts of the Pacific Discovery trip so far. … it is beautiful to see you all thrive in the environment you all have sustainably utilised’ Will, Canada, Pacific Discovery, October 2019
‘Ecofriendly to me used to mean not harming the earth more than it is being harmed. You guys have showed me ways to heal’ Ellie, USA, Pacific Discovery October 2019
‘Perfect way to start our holiday. Peace, nature and learning what is possible.’ Vicky and Mike, Airbnb guests, December 2018
‘Who knew three days could make me a new person?’ Thank you for opening my eyes. Hannah Sapphire Coast Anglican College, September 2018
‘The amount of planning that went into this place is amazing.’ Patrick, USA, Pacific Discovery, September 2018
‘I found the entire camp very fun and it all had a profound effect on how I will live from now on.’ Matthew, Eurobodalla Schools camp, September 2017
‘I learnt so much about sustainability and the environment…’ Abbie, Eurobodalla Schools camp, September 2017

August 2017 ‘…its been a delight to watch the way you craft the experiences and how you guide the kids to better choices and successes…’ Louise, Korowal School teacher
June 2017 ‘Thank you so much for taking such good care of JP and I…Never have we been treated so wonderfully at work before…Everything you guys do here at The Crossing is so inspiring and a wonderful way of living to be teaching others.’ Thelma, APRA Songmakers
April 2017 ‘Thank you so much for building such a beautiful space over the past two weeks. You guys are such an inspiration in every aspect of your lives. As always The Crossing was as beautiful as could be, physically, energetically and emotionally…’ love Nathan, PDC student
March 2017 ‘ Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to experience permaculture principles and how you have built your life around them. It was incredible to see your systems and how they interacted with each other and nature to create the most eco-friendly experience. It gave me a whole new vision of reusability and reduceability.’ David, USA, Pacific Discovery
March 2017 ‘…a big thanks for everything you’re doing for the earth.You guys have really opened my eyes to a new way of living which I’ll carry back to my daily life. You all are such spectacular people…’ Allie, USA, Pacific Discovery
December 2016 ‘I find a really interesting camp in The Crossing. I use to thought that hiking is really horrible, but it doesn’t. The part of the rock hiking is really exciting…amazingly I tried some food that I hate, like tomatoes and velegetable. Also friends are really important.’ Lotus, Firbank Grammar
December 2016 ‘the last 10 days has been life changing and an eye opening experience. The staff …really do become like your family and The Crossing becomes home away from home.’ Annie, Firbank Grammar
November 2016 ‘…I felt at home. Each activity whilst entertaining was difficult and extremely satisfying. I came on this camp lost in myself and the world but I believe after this experience I feel more confident in the world and myself.’ Machenzie, Canberra Grammar
November 2016 ‘…one of the best 9 days I have every spent…some of the boys were not my friends but now are. The people who work at The Crossing are the most caring, loving and fun people I have ever met’…David, Canberra Grammar
November 2016 ‘In all honesty, this camp has been one of the best and most important experiences in my life. Every single activity we did had purpose and affected the way I think about the world and myself. The values within The Crossing have had a major positive impact on me that I will most definately bring into my life. Each and every instructor has been a major positive role model and my respect for them is extremely great.‘ Max, Canberra Grammar
November 2016 ‘Thank you for the great experience to break off from the digital world and enjoy the more salt of the earth things in life’ Rowan, Canberra Grammar
November 2016 ‘This camp changed me for the better; whether it be the fantastic array of staff, the hard work or the sustainable solutions given, all have had an impact on me’ Ben, Canberra Grammar
October 2016 ‘You have inspired me more than I could have imagined and my plans for the future have changed entirely thanks to my experience here. You have taught me so much and I don’t think anything else on my PD trip can top my experiences here.
October 2016 ‘…Coming away from here I know what I want to study. This has honestly been one of the best weeks of my life. Thank you.‘ Henry, Pacific Discovery, USA
October 2016 ‘This whole experience made me
October 2016 ‘Thank you for the amazing learning experience. I have so many ideas I am going to implement into my life and house when I get back home.’ McCabe, Pacific Discovery
October 2016 ‘To be honest I did not expect much when I first came here and I thought that my days here would be an endurance round to go through. But what seems just like physical work was much more. The house and area were unlike any that I knew ever before and each activity was fresh to my body and brain along with the cool train beds. Now I kind of
October 2016 ‘…I never thought I could wash my hands in hot water knowing the hot water is warmed by the sun. Above all what I loved the most was the family atmosphere at The Crossing and their commitment to being a family, working together is what makes this place so special.’ Yoni, Pacific Discovery, USA.
October 2016 ‘Thank you so much for teaching us how to conserve. It has been so great getting to spend time with you in this amazing recycled house. I can’t wait to take some of the things you’ve taught us back with me to my everyday life’ Celia, Pacific Discovery, USA.
October 2016 ‘You inspire me to serve with love. I can’t express how special and wholesome this week has been for me. This is home, friends, purpose
September 2016 ‘The common phrase ‘Life is about the journey, not the destination’ is highly relevant to the Sea to Snow Journey. Somewhere between the challenges, the mental walls, the miserable weather

May 2016 ‘Deep gratitude for your big hearts and strength in spirit.’ Rita, Wollangarra Staff Team annual visit, Victoria
April 2016 ‘The work that The Crossing is achieving is such an
March 2016 ‘Seeing how your family uses the natural processes of nature to create an interconnected web of life that creates and recycles energy, I was amazed at how blatantly under-complicated sustainability can be.’ Monica, Pacific Discovery, USA
March 2016 ‘It is inspiring to see how you have put together this place super sustainably from years of trial and error and improvisation. It makes it seem possible to implement permaculture techniques in my own life back home.’ Hunter, Pacific Discovery, USA
March 2016 ‘…You … do an amazing job of showing how we can all lead by example. It was really an
March 2016 ‘…I am so impressed. It has really made me question what I want to study next and what I want my future home to be like. You are all wonderful and inspiring beings.’ Hayley, Pacific Discovery Leader, QLD
March 2016 ‘…This place always makes me feel settled and alive. Once again I have taken away new knowledge and lessons…’ Josh, Pacific Discovery leader, Queensland
March 2016 ‘This week was one of the most educational weeks of the
March 2016 ‘Huge news at The Crossing on the conservation front. We had a celebration with koala surveyors, volunteers
October 2015 ‘Thank you for introducing me to permaculture! It was exactly the type of rewarding engineering I was searching for to flow my passion into!’ Claire, Pacific Discovery, USA
October 2015 ‘This has been such an enlightening, beautiful and community oriented week…you guys have something extremely special here and I can confidently say we’re all grateful for your hospitality and passion for passing on your knowledge. This week has prompted me to think more about how I want to live my life in the future, so thank you!’ Lily, Pacific Discovery, USA
October 2015 ‘I really enjoyed my time here for the past week and feel much more satisfied with myself after helping you out. If there were an apocalypse, I’d come straight here!’ Sasha, Pacific Discovery, USA
October 2015 ‘I’m feeling more excited to get into gardening back home and experimenting with different ways to eat, shop and live more sustainably’. Bre, volunteer, USA
October 2015 ‘You have inspired me so much and I am very lucky to have met you’ Kaycee, volunteer, 2015, Victoria Australia
September 2015 ‘This place is magical. I will never forget this place and try and bring values and ways of life I have learned back home.’ Robert, Pacific Discovery, USA
September 2015 ‘I’ve learned so much about reuse and the environment.’ Izi, Pacific Discovery USA
September 2015 ‘I feel very fortunate to have had the experience of learning, working and living here at the Crossing. I’ve been given the opportunity to be a part of something truly incredible. You’ve made me an individual who is more aware. Thank you for opening my eyes.’ Lizzie, Pacific Discovery, USA
August 2015 ‘The Crossing is a youth camp to teach teens about the environment and the bush and the magical outdoors. To break free from technology and come to a simple style of life and chill with friends.’ Darcy, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
August 2015 ‘This is an inspirational place where everyone makes a contribution, people always work together and you can have a lot of fun.’ Max, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
August 2015 ‘…This has been the most enjoyable week of my school life. This experience will forever be with me.’ Meg, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
August 2015 ‘Thank you deeply…once again Korowal Year 9 had a fabulous growing experience here. It is phenomenally magic to see your ‘seeds’ have grown ‘tall trees’ in the time between my last visit.’ Andrew (teacher), Korowal School, Blue Mountains
August 2015 ‘I have only heard great things about The Crossing and everything has been beyond my expectations! What a fantastic week! Thank you for all your hard work and genuine friendship.’ Kelly, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
October 2015 ‘I had an unforgettable experience learning about permaculture and living green….as a conscientious consumer I hope that I can have solar panels and other eco-friendly technologies. It’s been really inspiring here to live on a working example of a green household’ Zofia, Pacific Discovery
August 2015 ‘This is an inspirational place where everyone makes a contribution, people always work together and you can have a lot of fun’ Max, Year 9, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
August 2015 ‘This has been the most enjoyable week of my school life’ Meg, Year 9, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
August 2015 ‘ The Crossing is a youth camp to teach teens about the environment and the bush and the magical outdoors, to break free from technology, to come to the simple style of life and chill with friends’ Darcy, Yr 8, Warrawong High, Port Kembla
May 2015 ‘You could tell that Annette and Dean were passionate about what they do. I think The Crossing is such a cool idea.’ Stella, Mumbulla School, Bega
May 2015 ‘…I was really glad we got to plant those trees and leave a little bit of ourselves there.’ Genevieve, Mumbulla School, Bega
May 2015 ‘I had a wonderful time. I enjoyed every minute of it. I thought it was wonderful because of the designs of the buildings and how you used all the other student’s ideas.’ Luella, Mumbulla School, Bega
May 2015 ‘Thank you for taking us on such a lovely journey…sleeping at The Crossing and learning about the environment was amazing…the food was great, it blows the food at the other camp out of the water and I think the class would agree.’ Loch, Mumbulla School, Bega
May 2015 ‘The chicken house was an amazing house. If I was a chicken I would want to live there. PS I liked all the instruments at The Crossing’ Ebony, Year 6, Mumbulla School, Bega
May 2015 ‘Sleeping at The Crossing and learning about the environment was amazing. The food was great, it blows the food at the other camp out of the water and I think the class would agree’ Loch, Year 6, Mumbulla School, Bega
May 2015 ‘I thought it was wonderful because of the designs of the buildings and how you used all the other student’s ideas. I enjoyed it because you had things for us to do to help…the food was delicious’ Luella, Year 6, Mumbulla School, Bega
April 2015 ‘…It’s amazing how much change you have brought into my life, not to mention joy. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.’ Kim, Permaculture Design Course, 2015
April 2015 ‘I think we all crossed over to a brighter world’ Stuart, Permaculture Design Course at The Crossing
October 2014 ‘Thank you for the positive energy. Thank you for the healthiest food I’ve ever eaten. Thank you for making work fun. Thank you for making this place feel like home’ Kalab, Pacific Discovery, USA
May 2014 ‘My eyes have been opened to new ways of thinking and approaching problems and I appreciate so much that learning the permaculture principles facilitated this….my new life goal is to become CEO of the most powerful B-corp on the planet’ Michael, Pacific Discovery, USA
May 2014 ‘There are some extraordinary people in the world who help shape the future of others in deeply meaningful ways. Thank you for being the highest calibre of those wonderful (and rare) type of people’ Ben, teacher, Port Kembla
May 2014 ‘You have really applied the principles of permaculture to every part of your lives, and the patterns, designs and energy you put into the people who visit produce amazing yields’ Kim, Team leader, Pacific Discovery, Queensland
May 2014 ‘I’ve felt inspired every day that I’ve been with the people of The Crossing. I feel a true connection to the Australian bush now’ Serena, Pacific Discovery, Canada
Nov 2013 ‘Great people, that’s why I come back all the time’ Toby, Year 9 student, Bombala
Nov 2013 ‘I learnt a lot about nature and all the fruit you can grow on a farm’ Reid, Year 6 student, Bermagui
Aug 2013 ‘ You guys have given me a lot to think about in terms of how to live more sustainably and how permaculture incorporates into life’ Cam, Year 9 student, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
July 2013 ‘The Crossing really changed my life. I found out a lot about my friends and lots about myself too….I enjoyed the hard work’ Tala, Year 9 student, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
March 2013 ‘This is such a nice place to learn, be happy and WWOOF … one of the best choices I’ve ever taken’ Itzel, WWOOFer (Willing Worker on Organic Farms), Mexico
Dec 2012 ‘This songwriting camp is awesome, I learned heaps… very well set out, good sessions, and lots and lots of fun’ Amandine, Year 10 student, Sapphire Coast Anglican College, Bega
Dec 2012 ‘Songwriting is such a hard thing to do and this is the perfect way to learn. thank you’ Dizzi, Year 10 student, Bega High
June 2012 ‘The food was amazing; I tried so many new foods that were healthy and delicious. And I learned so much about different ways of living and conserving’ Kristen, International Student Volunteer, Canada
July 2012 ‘I’ve never enjoyed a camp in 7 years but you showed me the best camping experience I’ve ever had…I learnt so much…about myself, nature, cooking, planting trees…valuable life lessons. I will NEVER forget any of you guys‘ Greta, Year 9 student, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
July 2012 ‘This was truly an amazing camp, full of wonderful experiences and surprises…the camp was both challenging and fulfilling…and after a week it feels like a second home…it was great to engage in activities which felt rewarding both to myself and the environment…I will remember this camp as one of the greatest experiences I have had‘ Brent, Year 9 student, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
July 2012 ‘The students were immersed in this world…I think this is the strength of The Crossing. Students learn on a soul-level, being involved with all aspects of their personality…I wish they could have experiences like this more often‘ Julian, Teacher, Korowal School, Blue Mountains
March 2012 ‘What a beautiful place you guys (and thousands of others) have created here…Inspiring! Engendering a vision of how the world could be with some good will. Blessings on your work’ John Seed, Sydney
May 2011 ‘The Crossing is a true work of art. You guys made my dream of coming to Australia a fun and educational experience’ Danielle, International Student Volunteer, USA
May 2011 ‘My time here was a turning point in my life’ Marie, International Student Volunteer, USA
May 2011 ‘Wow, there’s a whole serious bundle of people that have passed by here…actually you can feel it in the air as though their soul wanted to linger a bit more…perhaps The Crossing is the border through two phases of your life…anyway it brought me so much, staying here for a little while’ Alex, International Student Volunteer, USA
May 2011 ‘I have enjoyed observing and participating in a place that cares deeply about the world we live in and sustaining it’s wonderfulness’ Nikki, International Student Volunteer, Canada
March 2008 ‘Guys, what a wonderful inspiration for all ages. What you are doing for your community and country is priceless‘ Jennie, Bega Community College
October 2008 ‘I saw the most incredible sights and pushed myself. I learned to accept people for who they are and when it’s best to say nothing at all…I became more comfortable in my own skin.’ Jessica, Yr 10 student, Moruya High, first Sea to Snow Journey
October 2008 ‘…one of the most fun things I have ever done also one of the most physically exhausting…this journey has helped me look at things in a different perspective. I would really like the whole world to adapt to a more sustainable method of agriculture but we have to be the change we wish to see in the world. I think that is something I will work on in the future’ Heather, Yr 10 student, Narooma High, first Sea to Snow Journey
May 2008 ‘I find it easier to see the bigger picture now…I’m more positive…little things can make a big difference…I’ve learnt a lot about sustainability…I was also really inspired by the way you guys live and how much things can be reused’ Rachael, International Student Volunteer, USA
May 2008 ‘The one quote that has such an impact on me is ‘live simply so all may simply live’ that is such an amazing quote and it has stuck with me throughout this entire experience. Conservation is going to be a huge part of my life from this moment on‘ Melissa, International Student Volunteer, USA
March 2008 ‘The Crossing was great, we got actively involved in environmental sustainability, reduction, waste management and recycling and really learned through activities…Now if we could get everyone to incorporate The Crossing’s policies the world would be a better place’ Sam, Yr 10 student, Eden High
February 2008 ‘I finally understand what my biology teacher was going on about’ Pat, volunteer, Victoria.
June 2006 ‘Here I have taken more than just an education but a sense of community, family and courage..’ Shelly, International Student Volunteer, England
March 2004 ‘Great place. Lots of interesting things to do, creatures to meet…and of course the kitchen table forum. Thanks for creating a space to remember that ideas are important’ Miriam and Brian, volunteers, Northern NSW
May 2004 ‘These past two weeks have been nothing short of unbelievable. I have had the experience of a lifetime…the amount I have learned as a result is absolutely incredible – from sharing and discussing education and teacher stories to changing the way I think about the earth and my impact on it’ Mark, International Student Volunteer, USA
May 2004 ‘Before coming here, for a long period my life felt like it had no meaning…all your positivity has rubbed off on me. I will miss this place tremendously…I hope I will get the chance to send my kids to this program’ Pinky, International Student Volunteer, USA
June 2003 ‘Even though it has taken me weeks to respond to the experience I had at The Crossing, it has actually taken me this long to realise what an incredible experience it really was…The Crossing has shown me a life I only thought about occasionally…it taught me so many things that I only talked about but never really acted upon…because of you I have become so passionate about helping out and making a difference in the world…you guys have made me want to change myself as much as I can, and that is a big deal.‘ Lindsey, International Student Volunteer, USA
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